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Karl's Declarations and Statements

My Thinking About Typos
29/8/2022 v.01

I apologise for my typos, however, I submit that recipients have a responsibility to extract meaning from communications, typos and unfamiliar and poor expression not withstanding.
If they do not, they may be effectively discriminating against those from different cultural backgrounds for whom English is not their first language. And against people from different age and gender backgrounds who use the language differently.
They may also miss critical information!
Some of you may remember the Hon Tim Holding, MP, Minister for Police in one of the Bracks' Ministries.
Some of you may also remember the data leaks from the LEAP system.  Holding claimed he knew nothing about it, which it would seem was true. However, he SHOULD known about it have because he had been sent a memo that he didn’t read because of typos


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